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Taking care of ourselves

As parents, we are generally pretty good at thinking about the health and wellbeing of our children. As a result, who do we typically forget about? Ourselves! I have had countless pre-travel consultations with families in which the appointment was scheduled strictly for the children. When asking parents if they themselves have considered receiving vaccinations or taking medications, I am often given a blank stare. “What? I can get sick too?” It is true – you are not immune to typhoid, malaria, or traveler’s diarrhea just because you are a parent. It is just as important to protect yourselves as it is to protect your children.

Often times children that are traveling are actually too young to get particular vaccinations or take a certain medication. In those cases it is even more important for the parents to ensure they are adequately protected. If your toddler cannot get a particular vaccine (and are therefore not protected), what will happen if you contract that illness? The best way to protect your child is to get the immunization yourself. If you are sick it both hinders your ability to take care of your child, and increases their likelihood to get sick as well.


One comment on “Taking care of ourselves

  1. Caren Glassman on said:

    You’re right. I don’t care enough care of myself. I’m going out to get a massage 🙂

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