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Posts from: Blog

Bug Off

Mosquito borne illnesses are on the rise, with the most recent data showing a huge increase in malaria cases reported in the United States.  Almost all of these cases were acquired overseas in regions with active malaria transmission.  But malaria isn’t... (more...)

Your own Traveling Pharmacy

Preparing a well stocked travel kit is an important part of getting ready for your overseas trip.  One quick trip to the pharmacy can save you boatloads of trouble on your travels while hopefully preventing you from needing to seek out local medical... (more...)

Avoiding the Runs While on the Run

Picture this – you’re away on vacation without a care in the world. You’re enjoying the sights and sounds and basking in the delight of foreign cuisines. Suddenly, you realize that you’re spending more time in the loo than with the locals. ... (more...)

Taking care of ourselves

As parents, we are generally pretty good at thinking about the health and wellbeing of our children. As a result, who do we typically forget about? Ourselves! I have had countless pre-travel consultations with families in which the appointment was scheduled... (more...)

Flu Myths Gone Viral: Debunked

The time of year is once again up us to enjoy family, holiday festivities, food, and FLU. If your in-laws or the massive amount of food you consume don’t get you down, there’s always the chance that the flu will. Here are some tips to stay healthy... (more...)